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Chinese translation for "blistering resistance"


Related Translations:
blistering:  adj.1.使起疱的。2.恶毒的;激烈的。3.〔口语〕可恶的,该死的。短语和例子a blistering tongue 刻薄嘴。 a blistering sun 灼热的阳光。
blister anode:  粗铜阳极
blister like:  水泡状
paint blister:  涂膜膨胀
blister gas:  糜烂性毒气。
blistering collodion:  起泡火棉胶
blister test:  发泡实验
honeycomb blister:  蜂窝气泡
blister agent:  发泡剂糜烂性毒剂(起疱剂)
blister bedtle:  斑蝥
Example Sentences:
1.The recent research advances in the synthesis of styrene - butadiene latex for paper coating , including monomer composition , particle structure , balance of surface strength and blister resistance , coating with good fluidity at high speed , latex stability , additive and material addition sequence were reviewed with 15 references
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